Friday 13 August 2010

Does Human Need to be One Unity, With More Common Cultural, Economical ,social and … Value?

The land where we all live in a world like Earth, with an agreement to smarter and wiser than God, the religious texts of these intelligent animals (humans) were from the same parents (Adam and Eve), but not created not born strong testimony t cheap nfl jerseys o show that what causes the formation of languages, cultures and human lines separated from each other, so it is always our most important question is: Is this the man must have a unit is more common cultural, economic, social and value?
Many experts and politicians believe that oppose a global entity with shared values that people in many companies and corporations must change the culture and the freedom to choose their own path
of life, but many others are putting their foot on a new way and say that in the era of globalization, every thing need to be globalized, here we will focus on the realities with out any argument about; who believe what?

Every event in the life of human shows a need, so we can say that globalization is a need because we see many people from different culture are engaged in a process to make a new world with values different from what they believed at past, changing of values is obvious in many cultural, social and economical elements, for example you can imagine a rural area in one of the remote area of a poorest country, in the past this area had a distinct way of life, with their own traditions that you were not able to compare this tradition with other parts of the world , in your eyes they were unique but in the era of globalization this small community has been tended to new values, cheap nfl jerseys they changed their traditional music to new music according global standards, their ways of marriage, even their dresses ,architecture of their homes , their ways of doing deals, agriculture and more .

Peoples in new world see their way of satisfying a need very different from the past, so it would be irresistible to accept that their values are changing, they cannot continue with the past beliefs, in the way that the hardliner conservatives were not able to return them back to the past, for example, you can imagine a very conservative religious country such as Saudi Arabia, Iran and Vatican, see what they have been in the past and what their societies and even governments are in today , see their beliefs ,are they going according to their beliefs, the right answer is "no" , how ever they want to go according to their beliefs they can not go .

Globalization is the last opportunity, accepting global values is not an option and it is compulsory ,but taking advantage from this compulsory values is very important, many societies are vulnerable to take benefit from new global atmosphere , because they are resistant to the values has been set by globalized world.

In the simplest way of thinking, human being originated from one family, so that; similarization of global values is a tending toward revival of human family, although this similarization is not possible in all aspects of culture , economy and society , it seems moving toward unity in cultural, social and economical values would be the last alternative of human being .

Making a globalized world with same values is more complicated task, due to existing gap among nations, religions, ethnics and etc, institutionalization of global values is impossible, but it is a need of holding talk and decreasing tensions among resistant groups to conduct globalization toward a multi lateral contract, in such a contract justice between all member of human society should be the most important matter, with out talks and making justice, powers would be the only beneficiary of globalization and weak have no opportunity in globalization

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