Monday 16 August 2010

cheap nfl jerseys Moderate Dems Reject Reconciliation To Pass Health Care

Two moderate Democratic senators before reelection battles this year, said on Tuesday he would be a legal instrument that requires ocheap nfl jerseysnly 51 votes in the Senate to resist to achieve the health legislation at the office of President Barack Obama. Senator Evan Bayh, Indiana Democrat, said the measure known as the reconciliation, misguided , while Senator Blanche Lincoln, Democrat of Arkansas, issued a statement dismissing the complaint. I will not accept a last minute effort to force changes in health care through insurance reform of the budget reconciliation or Arkansas, Lincoln said in the statement.

Both the House and Senate have passed separate health care bills, fully supported by the Democrats.

Democratic leaders have been working on merging the two bills, but in the week, the political landscape of the nation last year at the Massachusetts Republican Scott Brown last elected to the seat of liberal Democrats in the Senate, Ted Kennedy almost 47 years until fill his death in August.
Brown's victory cost Democrats their 60-seat super-majority in the 100-member Senate necessary to overcome a Republican filibuster. The shift means Republicans can block Democratic initiatives such as health care reform.

Now Democratic leaders are working on a plan for the House to pass the Senate bill, along with a separate package of changes in the Senate plan that reflect compromise between the two chambers.

The package of changes would have to pass both the House and the Senate.

Without the 60-seat super-majority, Senate Democrats now are considering using the reconciliation tool that would require only 51 votes to pass the measure.

However, some Democrats in tough re-election fights worry voters will see that as legislative gimmickry, reinforcing complaints that Democratic control of Washington has been business as usual.

Bayh told CNN that using reconciliation "would destroy the opportunity, if there is one, for any bipartisan cooperation on anything else for the rest of the year."

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, dallas cowboys jersey
D-Illinois, dismissed opposition to using reconciliation as a way to get health care legislation to the president.

"I think reconciliation has been used effectively by both parties," Durbin said. "I wouldn't walk away from it. It's an option we should keep on the table."

Senate Democrats still have 59 votes in their caucus, meaning they could lose eight Democratic votes and still have the 51 needed to pass a health care package through reconciliation.

Still, Democratic sources warn that using reconciliation is complicated and fraught with legislative hurdles, raising questions about whether it could happen even if enough congressional Democrats supported the move.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, emerged from a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, late Tuesday and said they are making progress on "some kind of package," but reiterated that at this time "there are not the votes in the House, not anywhere near, to pass the Senate bill."

Earlier, Reid told reporters there is now "no rush" on health care.

Obama, who made health care his top domestic priority last year, will address the issue in his Statenfl jerseys of the Union Address on Wednesday, said White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.

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