Tuesday 12 October 2010

Affiliate Marketing Tactics – Successful Banner Advertising

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te Advertising banner saturation – avoid websites, overcrowded by advertisement; aim at good balance between editorial? content and advertisement as users
CPC – the lower, the better – of course, met the rest of the criteria
Competitive products advertisement – Lidango marketers advice to avoid placing banners on websites, advertising competitive products
Designing the Banner
When designing the right Banner for your campaign, an advertiser should aim to compose the right mixture of graphics and text, making sure that the result will both appeal to the desired audience, and promt it to act. The banner should:
Attrackt attention, in order to divert visitors from the main content of the site
Arouse interest, so that visitors would like to find out more about the product advertised
Give sufficient information about the advertised product, so that customers are not misled
Fit both the message that the advertiser wants to convey, and the atmosphere of the media it is in.
marketing is one of the most perspective businesses to make money online. Affiliate marketing mix includes own tools and methods as well as techniques of traditional online advertising – banner marketing, blog marketing, e-mail marketing, SEO, article marketing, etc. Banner advertising is recognized as one of the most successful tools of affiliate marketing. The placement of advertising banner of the advertiser on the website of the affiliate is a part of Display Marketing. When clicking on the advertising banner, user is redirected to a promotional landing page, where he/ she is able to complete a specific action – could be a sale, a registration, etc. to receive commission for. Banners most commonly consist of graphics and text, designed to attract visitor's attention and provoke to action. chester taylor jersey
The customer must click on them to be directed towards the advertiser's website in order to proceed to buy a product. Banner advertising could provoke excellent conversion rates, if done right.Experts from Lidango - one of the fastest developing global affiliate marketing networks, are revealing the most important issues of the successful banner campaign.The first step is to define your objectives. Clearly outline the product/set of products you want to sell, the people/businesses you want to sell them to - the target audience, the volume of sales you project, as well as the budget you have to fit into.Next, knowing all of the above, try to formulate a strategy, that most efficiently will help you meet your objectives. Some of the questions that pend for an answer are: Where to place the banners, so that they reach the desired audience? What should the banner consist of, so that it generates sales? Lidango Display Advertising Planners and Designers help us adress these issues below:Choosing the right MediaPlanning your banner campaign, you have to first carefully choose the media to use. You have to choose the most appropriate websites to place your banners? to achieve maximum conversions. Lidango marketers recommend to identify the most appropriate media according to Liverpool shirt
the following criteria:
Volume of incoming traffic – ther higher, the better.
Relevance of website users to target audience – you need to advertise on websites, your target group visits

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